Monday, November 16, 2015

The Eight Year Old

When they hand you your first born baby and you hold that little being you grew and incubated for what seemed an eternity, the last thing you think about is how fast it is all going to go.

But before you know it, those sleepless nights and hours of holding them close and smelling that sweet baby smell fades into first smiles, giggles and milestones of the first year. 

And before you catch your breath you are chasing them around the house and offering bribes for peeing in the potty. 

Then as you round the corner you are spending 200 dollars on Kindergarten school supplies and listening to them reading sight words. 

And you realize that somewhere between all the discoveries, firsts, and Legos you stepped on, eight wonderful crazy years have gone by. And that tiny newborn you just brought home from the hospital is a handsome little boy who carries part of your heart around with him. 

Noah is right there at the verge of so much and he wavers back and forth across the line of little kid and big kid. One minute way too cool for snuggles and then desperately craving one on one bedtime routines. I will cherish each request for one more chapter or "Tuck me in?" Because I am painfully realizing that it is all so short lived. 

Noah has had a wonderful year and is thriving in both his new school and neighborhood. I have been so impressed by how well he has transitioned into both. He brings so much life to our little family and I adore his opinions and ways of doing things. I am constantly reminded that there is more than just one way to do things. 

It would be so easy to get caught up in Noah as the source of my pride and joy. But thankfully I am reminded that He belongs to The Father. And I know that He takes even more delight in him than I do. 

He is not mine to keep. He is on loan. From that day I got the results of three positive pregnancy tests to the day I am called home my job is to love him with the Father's love and point him always in that direction. And while I want to freeze time still right here and never have him frow another day older, my ultimate desire is to watch him grow into a Godly man who works for The Lord and loves all of His people well. I have to let him grow up. As hard as it is. 

So here's to you my growing boy on your eighth birthday....
May you always seek The Lord first, be thankful for the many many gifts and talents He has blessed you with and may you use them to make the world better because your certainly make my world a better place to be. Always be confident that your Dad and I love you fully and unconditionally, that we believe in you and want the best for you. And also know that we find you delightfully funny and smart and handsome and quirky. We can't wait to see how it all comes together in His plans for you. But for your Mama's heart could you slow down a bit? Love you big Noah! 

Thank you Father for blessing us with Noah and for the love and delight he brings to our hearts. Help us to point him always to you and to love him fully. He certainly has been the best surprise of my life and I wouldn't be the same without him. Thank you again for choosing me to be his mom and help me do that to the best of my ability. 

1 comment:

Sandra White said...

What a sweet birthday tribute! Happy birthday, Noah!