Our system is going through a big demographic and facilities study. They have dreams of a universal Pre K (which would radically change futures, I could go on for ages about the impact of free preschool!) and major program offerings at EVERY school. But that takes money and resources and means some shuffling around. It has been a long process and eventually four plans were released to the public for feedback. These plans all included sharing our building with the Magnet school. It would be squished but we could handle.
A few weeks later a fifth hybrid option not mentioned in the public forum leaked out. This option closed our school and gave our property to a school being relocated. This option became the preferred option.
Needless to say we freaked out! To put it mildly. As we got word we scrambled to get the word out to parents and write letters and so on. Hundreds if letters were written and many phone calls made to people in high places. As an employee I felt there was only so much I could say publicly. But privately I was praying and sharing and praying some more.
The night of the board meetings were some of my proudest moments as a member of a school community. The support blew me away. The conversations and comments about equal education for ALL and the beautiful diversity at my school made my heart smile. The the room was charged with emotion as people realized that people wanted the same thing... Diversity. Equality. Change.... Small steps towards healing of a racially charged city were made. And a special school was spared. No decisions have been made and things are still being hashed out but I believe things will be better. At least I know we can still mold little hearts for many more years.
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