Saturday, January 3, 2015

The New Year

I love a new year! Empty calendars waiting to be written in. A fresh start on new goals (although they are usually the same ones) and the zest to get things done (although it usually runs out by March). It is the same way I adore buying school supplies in August, so full of possibilities in new notebooks and a box of new markers. 

This year I have big goals. And I have small ones. I have made lists and action plans. I evaluated what I really care about doing and keeping in the busy stage we are in as a family. I looked at things I do well and things I need to be better at. I have prayed over them and reflected. We have some unknowns looming in front of us. And when I prayed for a focus I hear, Peace. I want to live in it, radiate it, pass it out like candy. I want to tuck it all around my boys like warm blankets. 

And then we got the flu. The weeks I am most productive are the weeks before school starts in August and the week between Christmas and the new semester of school. I was cleaning out closets and cabinets that hadn't been touched in years and then Bam. The flu. We had to cancel our trip to Auburn for a basketball game, a present to the boys. And my new workout, meal plan endeavor into self discipline has been postponed. But strangely I have peace I can pick it up Monday. There are other games to buy tickets to. The rest of the closets will get organized. Slow down. Rest in His peace. 

I am already building lists of His gifts to us in 2015. Getting four scripts of Tamiflu on a holiday. My sweet mother in law driving from Birmingham to bring us dinner. Being able to give our tickets away to a friend on Facebook and then seeing pictures of them enjoying the game. Extra time to read and snuggle. 
Wishing you Peace in 2015 and that you will accomplish your goals :) 

1 comment:

Catie said...

Your posts are always so encouraging, Carrie!