Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Biller

My Dearest Miller,

In less than a month you will be two. It seems hard to believe that you have been part of our family for such a small amount of time because I often feel that we would not be the same without you. You have a light. It shines from your little face and your sweet smile. Your laughter is simply contagious. You are busy discovering your world and testing its limits. You make life interesting. You make life fun. Your spontaneous affection, fountain of new words and faces, and simple love for life makes me thankful to have the privilege to watch you grow and grow. I look forward to celebrating your 2nd birthday in less than a month. I can't wait to see how God molds your little personality. He teaches me more and more about His love and delight as I mother you and love you!

Love, Mama

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