2011 was both a beautiful and hard year. We buckled down financially after spending a sweet six months at home with Miller. Things were tight but I feel I really learned to make the most of the things God blessed me with. Then the storm. We are so blessed to be a part of our church family and this community. God used this tragedy to touch me in a new way. My faith and love for Him were strengthened. This summer we had lots of fun learning and visiting with family and an incredible beach vacation.I opened my little tiny Etsy shop Paper Happies. I also killed myself at boot camp three mornings a week at 5:30 am. I kicked carbonated drinks to the curb and lost 15lbs. (Although I think they are all back over Christmas Break!)This fall I started school with a new attitude. I have enjoyed the school year this year so far. I really feel like I am fulfilling my purpose there. The fall has been busy with Bible Study and mentoring. Plus fall is fun with lots of memory making fun. In November Adam got a phone call offering him a new position at UA. The phone call (after two rounds of interviews) may be the highlight of my year. The look on Adam's face is gratitude incarnate. In December he became the public relations director for the College of Engineering, a position that will certainly change 2012 for the better! Noah was at a magical age this Christmas and I took so much delight in him the whole season. I will always remember it. Here are some picture highlights:
February- I turned thirty. Yea ;)

April- Shortly after a sweet Easter a devastating tornado destroyed lives and large parts of our city. Such a difficult time for many of my students.
May- God used the storm to tell His story of redemption through His people and their love and generosity. God worked in my heart and I fell deeper in love with Him. Adam and Noah prepared for summer lawn care :)

June- Another summer of learning and neighborhood fun.....

July- A trip to WaterSound made unforgettable beach memories!
August- Little Man turned one!
October- A month full of fall fun!
November- A month of Thanksgiving was capped off with Adam getting a new job at the University of Alabama. And big man turned four! Can you believe it?

December- A month of whirlwind holiday activities but a sweet time of joy in our Savior.

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