Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Thankfuls

Nov 14th- I am thankful for my role as a mother. I love the sweet moments of bedtime and snuggles. And fixing little things with a hug and kiss.

Nov 15th- I am so very thankful for my neighbors and neighborhood. My neighbors are so helpful and loving. Tonight I had a meeting and I also wanted to make cupcakes for Noah's class in the morning. I had decided to buy some. When I got home from my meeting there were homemade cupcakes on my porch. From my neighbor who knows I want to be "that mom". Such a good friend.

Nov 16th- Today I am so very thankful to have the ability to celebrate my sweet Noah and his four years of life! I am thankful to have a job and a boss who understands the importance of family. And for personal days.

Nov 17th- Today I am thankful for Teaching American History Program. I love the professional development and collaboration with peers and the technology the provide. In this day of under funding it is nice to be a part of something that still helps you provide new things in the classroom. Today we got to go to s tiny Civil Rights museum in Greensboro and interviewed foot soldiers in the Civil Rights Movement.

Nov 18th - I am very thankful for my coworkers. Last night a pipe burst in my classroom and it flooded a little bit. I camped out in the library with my kids. I enjoyed the hospitality in the library and my coworkers and administrators who helped my clean up!

Nov 19th- I am thankful for music. I love how that song can change your mood, or remind you of that time in college.... or when the lyrics move you to tears, or help you to offer praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. Music can energize or relax. I am thankful for that.

Nov 20th- I am really thankful for clean. Silly. But true. Today Adam and I took the boys to school and we cleaned the entire house top to bottom. With homemade "green" products thanks to Pinterest and my mom. The house is shiny and amazingly clean. And it smells awesome! I love that feeling!

Nov 21st- Today I am thankful for being safe and comfortable in my clean house with my family while it rains and rains and rains!

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