Noah has been an absolute delight to every member of his family. We love his adorable face and fun personality. We have countless memories of his funny questions and curiosity.

One of my favorite things about Noah is his joy over the simple things. Trucks on the highway, fall decorations being put up in the house. An extra bedtime story.

Noah's second and first birthday cake.

This year Noah has grown into a little boy. Dropping some of his baby habits and becoming a preschooler. He loves his cars and candy of all kinds. He still loves playing with Brooke outside. At school he has lots of friends and loves telling us all about them. He is sounding out words and spelling some. He is actually quite good at math too. He will add and subtract simple numbers.
Noah has dropped some of his fears and is becoming much more sure of himself.
Noah is still super curious and asks tons of questions about how things work and why. He is so smart and constantly amazes us with his ability to remember EVERYTHNG.
Noah is a great big brother. He always can make Miller laugh and he is quick to help when he can. He has captured Miller's heart with both hands. And is definitely his hero. And even though their love is sometimes (or many times) manifested through wrestling matches, we love watching them be brothers.
Noah has the best imagination. His games are complicated and have lots of twists and turns. He loves to play cars and build neighborhoods. Sometimes tornadoes still come through and destroy things, but it has been interesting to see how Noah has worked through the storm through his play.
This summer Noah loved being at the beach with our family and loved being in the pool and playing in the sand. He wasn't as sure of the ocean. He would have nothing to do with it.
One of Noah's favorite places to go is to church. I love this about him. He is always excited to go and learn about Jesus and play with his church friends. He learns more and more verses. I was looking back at my birthday post last year and this was one of my prayers and hopes about his year. I love the foundation God is busy laying in his heart and I look forward to the day when he gives that heart to our Lord. I never tire of answering his questions about God and heaven. My favorite one recently was "How did God put on our skin?"
Noah has recently turned into quite the artist. He loves coloring and often asks to make things. He is starting to draw people and cars. His art at school is getting to be quite good. He also rarely gets time outs at school. He is always bringing home rewards for being good and not getting any "checks". He is also displaying good manners often saying yes mam and no sir without prompting. He is a sponge.
He is not super fond of taking pictures so I am always pleased when I get a good one.
I am so thankful for Noah. I hope as he grows he recognizing how thankful Adam and I are for him. I hope he can relate to God's love through our love for him. It is my hope and prayer that I can do a good job of demonstrating God's love for him on a small scale so that Noah can fall in love with Jesus too. One of my favorite stories about Noah this year came in the aftermath of the tornado. I was going through the house packing up clothes and dry goods to take to the donation center and Noah started picking out cars and toys for the children who lost theirs. Without prompting and suggestion. He immediately recognized the need and responded to it. I hope there more and more stories like that to share about Noah in the coming years.
Sometimes I look at this little boy and I am just filled with so much joy and love I simply can't describe it. I am blessed by him.
And I am humbled that God saw me fit to be his mother. He teaches me so much about life, love and my Father's love for me.
In this fifth year of Noah's life it is my prayer that he learn more and more about who God is. I pray that he grows closer to committing his life to God. I pray that he continues to thirst for more and more learning. I pray that he continues to make good choices with his friends and with his brother. I pray that he continues to develop an obedient sweet spirit. I pray for Adam and I that we would continue to seek His wisdom on making choices for Noah. And that we not be a hindrance to the plan He has for Noah. I pray that Noah would continue to be a shining light and that others would see God in him and through him like his parents do.
Noah, I love you sweet boy. Happiest of birthdays.
1 comment:
You captured the essence of this delightful little boy-of-my-heart in this wonderful blog! Thank you.
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