Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Baby Dedication

The greatest gift I hope to give Miller is a love and thirst for God. I yearn for him to be assured of God's love and love Him madly n return. I want to see Miller be His hands and Feet. I long to see
Miller seek after God and follow His will. I long to see Miller live the life God has planned for
him abundantly and joyfully. This past Sunday Adam and made a vow to Miller, to God and to our families (and church family) to raise him with these goals in mind. We did some preparation study and homework to prepare for the dedication and one of the exercises was to imagine the end. Imagine Miller at eighteen years old. What would we want for him? I want him to love. God and others. Passionately. I want to see in him the fruits of the spirit. I want others to see kindness, gentleness, joy, self-control, goodness, patience, love, peace, and faithfulness. I want them to fall in love with God by watching Miller's life. I loved the service and it was so special to have our parents with us. Afterwards we celebrated at a lunch at Cypress Inn and cupcakes and cake balls for dessert. We wrote some blessings for him and his grandparents prayed for him and blessed him. It was a simple celebration of a sweet commitment.

Noah is showing the church his car :)
Both boys looking to the cross.

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