Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Easter Weekend

They say pictures are worth a thousand words. So what are a thousand pictures worth?? I never was good at math. Here are Easter weekend pictures and the stories that go with them in no particular order. Simply because I didn't feel like fighting with Blogger today.

Noah after being bribed with a cupcake to smile and look at the camera. Not even for a cupcake???

Miller had a major blowout in the church nursery. Thus the hoodie for Easter pictures. Boys! (He even got it all over the nursery worker's dress!)

Best picture I got of Noah is Easter suit. This three year old might just be testing his momma.

Front porch pictures before church!

Adam took some pictures while I was getting ready of Noah in his first tie!

My sweet boys!

Miller's first Easter basket. Filled with bath toys and new bibs!

Noah's Easter basket. The Easter Bunny thought he had enough candy so he got Cars water blasters (not water guns ;) ) and Lighting McQueen Pez and books!

Miller Biller watching the family Easter Egg Hunt.

Xander tasting some candy. Yum.

Dusti and Sela at the Calvary's Preschool Easter Picnic!

Easter Egg Yoga. He is so close to taking off!

Nana and Puddin watching the fun.

"You see Miller ...that is why buckets go on your head."

Do I get candy too mom? Noah says it is yummy.


Even Charlie took part in the fun!

Love these two!

Xander had the egg stuff down!

Mimi took lots of pictures too!

Noah and Sela at Calvary's Picnic!

Miller hung out in the stroller.

Those white things on the ground are giant Pixie Stix. Yes. Giant Pixie Stix. Noah was ecstatic.

Simple Easter decorations.

Lots of dyed eggs. Maybe one of my favorite Easter Weekend moments... Xander thought the eggs were balls and he threw some. It was so funny!

Miller loves to share with Charlie.

There isn't any candy in your egg Cuz...

Happy first Easter Precious. My prayer is that one day that you too will Celebrate your Savior's sacrifice and triumph over death!


LB said...

Carrie, thinking about ya'll tonight. Are ya'll okay?

Beautiful pictures!!

taylor said...

SOO happy ya'll were safe!! Love the Easter pics!