Monday, December 13, 2010

The Four Month Old

Miller turned four months old Friday! I am having a hard time writing this post because he is such a contradictory little baby. He is joyful and laughing and blowing bubbles and giggling one minute and then just like that he can be wailing. So any sweeping statement like, "He is such a happy baby" or "he is not a happy baby" isn't really the truth. He loves being at home on his schedule. He doesn't adapt well to change. And he loves his mommy. He has turned into a bit of a momma's boy. He loves being talked to and played with. He is growing like a weed. Everything went well at the doctor's office. He weighed in at 15lbs and 8oz. And measured 28 inches. Dr. Pettitt was impressed with his strength and said he could model for Gerber. He is wearing 6 month clothing. He is beautiful and my favorite thing to do these days is just to hold him and make him laugh. He just adores Noah. He gives the sweet ladies in the church nursery fits. They think he is adorable but he will cry and cry! He fights sleep unless it is in his own crib with his Spikes, paci and a short rock in green chair. He takes two long naps (2-3 hours) and a cat nap in the evening. He is just starting cereal. I love him like crazy! That is about all I can say without bursting into tears, as our days are numbered. Both of our hearts are soon to be broken. On his fifth month birthday to be exact. But I am hoping the National Championship Game will cheer us up! Here are the pictures!!

Miller at four months....

And just to keep it real...

To celebrate four months here are four things you may not know about Miller...

1. I love to stand up. I can see better that way.

2. I love to pretend to be an airplane. It makes me laugh.

3. I love my new oatmeal cereal. Its yummy.

4. I find the Christmas Tree to be fascinating.


Laudan said...

So precious!! I love your pictures as always :-) What are your plans for Christmas, if you guys are in B'ham at all and have any extra time, I would love to see you!! I know things always get crazy, but hopefully we can make it work this time :-) Talk to you soon!

Candice said...

Carrie, love your Blog and all the pics! Addison is 15 weeks and loves both point 1 and 2 as well. Ben lets her stand on his legs all the time and she tends to prefer that now and she loves being an airplane. :)
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