Monday, March 1, 2010

The Lazy Weekend

The little man has been under the weather this weekend.... still is. So we spent most of the weekend cuddled up on couch watching Cars again and again. We had our constant companions in Spots and all of the racecars. I did take the time to make Adam a little "thank you" for all the acts of service over the past couple of months. He has been there so much when I physically could not. I want to show my appreciation so I took on a challenging lasagna recipe. I am a blog stalker. I admit it. Here is where I found this three hour amazing lasagna! I think Adam got my message! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend whether it was busy or lazy.


Laura said...

hope noah is feeling better! i am sure it was wonderful for both of you to get to spend some QT together..of course with the cars! I will have to tell dorothy that you made her lasagna! She will be thrilled!! LOVE you and MISS you!

Adam Jones said...

A hallmark of a good dish is how many meals it provides. I like two meals for the price of one. I just ate the lasagna for lunch, marking the fourth meal. It could probably provide me at least two more if I wasn't afraid it'd go bad.