Last night I was laying in bed praying to go to sleep and I could feel you moving around inside me. Sweet little nudges you were giving me. You have been moving around for weeks but my life is busy and I haven't yet taken the time to reveal in what a miracle your little life is. For these brief months we are inseparable as we go to school, run errands, relax and chase your brother around we do it together. You hear what I hear, you hear what I say. I hope you hear love. I hope you feel in your little warm nest the love that we share in our family. And as I laid in bed awake last night enjoying your nudges I prayed for blessing on your little life. And I began to dream and plan for you. I hope you never feel second to your brother, I do hope you and your brother share an incredible bond and become lifelong friends, I hope you can look up to him without feeling that you are in his shadow, I hope you have big dreams, I hope you learn to be thankful and kind, I hope you value tradition and family, I hope you love to laugh, I hope your smile is contagious, I hope you treat strangers with generosity and kindness, I hope you have your own opinions and speak up for them, I hope you sleep well, I hope you find out what successful means to you and you become it, and most of all I hope you come to know and love Christ at an early age and that you find your security and comfort in His words and ways. I love you already as does your dad and more importantly your Father in Heaven. I hope you always remember that no matter what life may bring you or to us. Tomorrow I get my first real look at you. I can't wait to see you on the screen and count your toes and fingers and see you little face and to find out whether you are a daughter or a son. So that when I feel your little kicks and nudges I know more about my little Miller! Love to you always,
your momma
beautiful letter...from a beautiful mama
Wow, Carrie, what a sweet and beautiful letter- such a special treasure for him/her.
Hope you'll post about your exciting "findings" at your appointment!!
So sweet Carrie. You have such a big heart - I know you are a fantastic Mommy. Noah and Miller are blessed to have you caring for them!
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