Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Joy of the Season

On Sunday our pastor spoke about Joy of Christmas. He said that he really didn't understand the depth of joy until he was a father and a pastor. When his son was sick or he visited with parents who had a sick child he/they would pray to take away their suffering, sickness and sadness. Through Christ God took the suffering of the world away. All of his children, saved from death. The birth of Christ is His divine rescue plan, his ultimate healing. I thought that was an amazing illustration. It makes me so happy to kiss Noah's boo boos to have them be magically relieved. And I would gladly and joyously give myself to save him from any affliction. Imagine saving the world with the birth of a baby! No amount of angels or bright and shining stars could express the pure joy of our Father saving the world, saving me, saving you. Humbling isn't it? He was overjoyed to send his son to die for us! May every lighted Christmas Tree, candle, star, wrapped present, joyful child remind you of the real reason for our JOY!

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