Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Old Schedule

Last night I was rummaging through the drawer of the coffee table for a pen and I came across two bright yellow sheets of paper. On the paper was Noah's schedule from when he was eight weeks old. I had written out as a guide for Mimi and Nana who took turns keeping him at the start of my time back to school. It was funny to see every little detail of his day including trouble shooting and ideas listed out.

The schedule brought up some thoughts:
1. Noah is a month and a half away from being two years old! Two! Two! Where as the time gone?

2. My boy has always loved routine. He loved the schedule then and he loves routine now. He is nicer to others when he is on a schedule.

3. I want another one. A baby. But I am convinced that I need to get my ducks in a row. Get my life in order. At least earn a "B" in the course "Mothering Active Boy, While Running a Household, While Teaching Full Time and Running a Small Business" before taking on another life. And again I realize how thankful I am for the surprise Noah was. We would never have been "ready" for him. So God, if you'd like to surprise me with another that would be okay!


danajk said...

No matter how hard we try to plan things and get ready, it always works out the way it is supposed to! After all, I was so sad that David would be deployed during the time I wanted to get pregnant with baby #2. The army was messing up my life plan! Then I saw him for a mere 14 days out of a whole 15 months, and Spencer happened! SO, I will be looking forward to the post telling the world that things are working out the way they are supposed to for you, too!!

Beth Goff said...

It really is SO amazing to think our boys are almost TWO! I'll go ahead and tell you Anderson was a shock especially with Karoling being 11 months old! But it does always work out. You know you could try and "plan" for a baby to be due in the spring :) I'm just saying... maternity leave, summer vacation...

taylor said...

Love your last couple of posts!! Thank you for sharing your heart!

Emy said...

until the next surprise, you'll soon have a nephew to play with ;) and i'd love to know all your tricks!