It is no secret that I had a bad year as a teacher last year or that I felt so defeated that I considered many other options. After much prayer last Spring I felt God was saying, "Stay". B High had a a difficult year last year in many ways. At the end of the year a plea was made for change. And the plea was for us to all be part of the change.
And things have really changed. For the better. Miraculously better.
The freshmen class has suprised us all. In a good way. Their school spirit is contagious. Seriously. They rule the pep rally. (Despite a 20 something game losing streak.) But support of of our team has never been stronger. They are joining clubs and activities and even book clubs in large numbers. They want to make an impact. 
Discipline is better. Much much better.
The faculty and staff are closer. Tailgating and dinners hasve been taking place before football games. Collaboration is stronger. Morale is higher.
And here is the best part...
You might have to be a teacher to appreciate this.
In an attempt to help understanding and provide more opportunties for succes I have stopped giving chapter tests in favor of small quizzes and one big end of the six weeks test that covers it all again. Well that test was today. I was worried about my regular ninth graders and how they would handle a high stakes test. As they walked into my room I pumped them up and asked if they were ready to make an A. I gave them a peice of good luck candy and a few last minute hints.
I had 8 A's. EIGHT A's. I think I had eight A's in my regular class all semester last Spring. I had 5 B's, 5 C's , 5 D's (three of those were 69's) and only four F's (that were all in the 50's). This may not seem impressive to you but to me it is a miracle. I cried right there at the Scantron machine. I think they care y'all. I tihnk they care. And if you care... I can work with you.
Thank you Father for my miracle at B High. Thank you. Thank you. Now if we could just win one game....
Yay! I am so happy for you! I hope the year gets better and better. You sure sound a lot more positive and happy than you did last Spring. Bet it is easier to show up for work these days, huh??
CARRIE!!!! THAT IS AWESOME NEWS!!!! Ohhh, I am so THRILLED to hear that! I wish I was there to see it myself! :) I'm glad that God has given you this victory and pray that many many more are right around the corner! Love you, friend!
Congrats! Teaching is hard! No one knows unless you've been there. The grades are awesome! They can build on this for success. Great strategy and teacher reflection on your part to find a way to help your students. Contrary to what others may think no teacher wants to leave student behind!! Love, MIL
With tears in my eyes I thank out good God for this answer to prayer! I know that you are called to TEACHING. Thank you for listeniong to His voice and sticking it out! Many more victorries ahead for you and for your students.
that's great!!
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