Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Fourth of July

Happy Birthday to Charlie and America!

My weekend was filled with family, baseball America's favorite pastime, concession stand hot dogs, our first attempt at homemade BBQ, and picnicking at Sokol Park with half of Tuscaloosa County to watch the fireworks.

As I laid on a quilt my grandmother made for me, next to my husband, with our son in between us watching the finale to a great 30 minute fireworks show, tears rolled down my face. I was able for just a minute forget all the strife and stress America is facing to be thankful for our freedom and rejoice in the abundance God has given this country. I am blessed by the sacrifice of so many to protect and serve this nation. It is humbling to think of all the people who died and fought bravely so I can eat hot dogs at a baseball game and make BBQ. And I imagined millions of Americans united tonight in our thoughts as we watched fireworks. Cheesy I know but that is what makes me,me.

As America celebrated its birthday, so did a Golden Retriever we know and love! We decided two years ago that since Charlie's exact birthday is unknown we would celebrate it on the 4th(we do know it was early July) because there is always something fun going on and lots of people. And Charlie is certainly a people dog. The more people around the higher percentage of getting his belly rubbed or people food. So we always tell him the party is for him. Charlie is three today. Adam reminded me in dog years that makes him 21 and legal.

I hope that everyone had a great Fourth and was able to relax and be thankful, and of course be proud to be an American!


danajk said...

awesome post! Happy Birthday Charlie and America!

Emily Chappell said...

I love that you just picked a birthday for Charlie. That is awesome! Give him a rub from me :)

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!! You are the sweetest, most obediant dog I have ever known. I love how you love your "boy"!