Bus got lost. Adam and I looked everywhere. I got online and looked for a replacement. They only make bigger buses like the one pictured. Not a Noah hand sized one. I was devastated and so was Noah. He asked for bus several times a day. I had given up hope after a week.
I should know better. There is always hope!
Mimi came over yesterday and before she left she said, "I am going to find Bus!" And she did. Under the couch that Adam and I had both looked under.
The celebration that ensued when Noah and Bus were reunited is a memory I will always cherish. Noah was so excited he started spinning around laughing until he fell down. He started kicking his feet and then rolling around on the floor before he came to me and rubbed his face into me out of joy. I of course cried at the sight of such spontaneous joy. Thank you Mimi.
So if you are in need of some hope and joy, Noah suggests some Bus!
It reminds me of how Christ says to be childlike.
Noah and Bus at VBS.

It will remain one of my treasured memories also! How I wish it was always that easy to bring someone joy! Just look under the couch....when you have lost your JOY...it may be hiding.....but is ever close by...grab hold and pull it into the LIGHT!
too sweet. what a precious sweet boy. mimi has always been good at "resurfacing" joy. much love to all of you! and bus!
Lil Major also loves all things truck, train, or anything w/ wheels. And Daddy has taught him how to say "Hummer" which comes out sounding like "Humma". It may be due to the 5+ remote control hummers we have, not to mention the real hummer in the garage. It's hilarious b/c when Daddy walks in the door, Major starts yelling, "humma, humma, humma!" =) boys are SO fun!!
When we lose a beloved toy, it is miserable for them and us! I am so happy that the bus is back!
Yay for Noah and Bus!! The love between boys and their toys!
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