Friday, July 17, 2009

The Twenty Month Birthday

My sweet crazy baby turned twenty months yesterday. I started this post several hours ago and it got serious fast. I put it down for a while. Played trucks and changed my mind and decided to keep it light or mostly light. In honor of twenty months of Noah here are twenty things being Noah's mom has taught me.

1. Toddlerese- How to speak toddler. Example- "guck" is truck, "goeigo" is Diego, "off" can mean on,up,down and off, "ish" is shoes, "gus" means clothes and animals are known by the sounds they make.

2. The difference between a bulldozer and a digger. I think.

3. How to buy 80$ smocked outfits on EBay for 20$.

4. Why its important never to run out of diapers in the diaper bag.

5. Always keep an extra set of clothes in the diaper bag.

6. The words to the "Go Diego Go" theme song.

7. That it does take a village.

8. Boys will be boys. Even my boys.

9. A little dog slobber never hurts.

10. Parenting can be painful. Physically. Emotionally. Spiritually.

11. Tonka doesn't make Tonka Wheel Pals Bus Mini's anymore.

12. Just because last week someone loves the pool doesn't mean this week the pool won't be the most scary place ever!

13. Friendship begins at a young age.

14. Being a parents instantly bonds you to other parents. You connect over sprinklers and swings and talk about teething and milestones.

15. Being a parent opens you up to the criticism of others even to strangers in restaurants and grocery stores. Yes I did just give him a grape it was that or a meltdown right here in frozen foods.

16. Where all the buses and trucks and construction sites are within a ten mile radius of our house.

17. Joy can come as easily as a passing truck or a bird passing overhead.

18. It is possible to take a two minute shower.

19. "Mommy" can mean mean: hi, pick me up, tickle me again, bye, don't go, help, I'm scared, I'm happy, pay attention to me.

20. Two syllables never sounded as sweet.


McClure Family said...

so, so sweet!

danajk said...

I love your list! I can identify with many of them. . .
Happy 20 Month Birthday, Noah!