Thursday, January 1, 2009

The 2009 Prayer

I want to thank you from my heart for the many blessing you have given me this past year and for the lessons you have taught me. Your timing and wisdom is perfect and you have revealed that to me over and over. In this coming year I pray that you will be able to use me and my little family to glorify and serve you: to comfort the hurting, to encourage the disheartened, to give to those in need, to bring joy to those filled with sadness, to be your light and your salt in the place you have us in mow and the places you will take us this year. I pray that my ears and heart will hear your directives. I pray that my eyes and heart will see people the way you see them and that I can react with more compassion. I ask for self discipline and self control in order to prioritize what is important. For Adam I ask in this coming year that you strengthen him under the load he bears and that you make your path for his job and leadership within this family clear. For Noah I ask that you bring him joy, health and continued development. For our friends and family I ask for you to bless those who are desiring a family, provide relief to those who are suffering illnesses, guidance for those whose futures and choices are in limbo. For America I ask protection from our enemies and a tug on our heartstrings to to turn back to you and to help others, and choose right from wrong. May 2009 be a year of love. Love for you. Love of family. Love of friends. And your love shown through me to all in my path, Father. Amen.


LB said...

I love the new picture of Noah!! So cute.

Anonymous said...

I say "AMEN!"