New Year's Eve is usually one of those holidays that I end up disappointed. I always want to be going to some fancy party where you have to dress up and celebrate until the wee hours of the morning. But these days wee hours is like 11pm :) And babysitters are expensive and we don't actually have one here in Tuscaloosa I decided to make my own plans. We had a fake countdown with Noah around 8:30. We loved the sparklers. Even though Adam was worried the entire time Noah would get burned in some freak sparkler accident. We prayed for the next year with Noah and put him to bed. Then we made fillet, asparagus, and garlic cheese potatoes, and salad. Lit a bunch of candles. Got all dressed up. Toasted (sparkling apple juice for Adam). Reminisced. Dreamed of the future. We were having such a good time we missed the ball dropping. It was a great way to bring in the New Year.

The mega Morning Glories I picked out.

Dinner for two.
The video shows Noah and I enjoying the sparklers and then Adam decides that he is cold and that the party is over :)
lol! cute video! you guys celebrated how i was originally thinking we should . . but then before i could share my idea w/ dan, he'd talked to a friend from work about getting together. so we had another couple over last night and played games. it was fun :) your table looks awesome and i'm wishing i had YOUR dinner last night! ;) i'm glad you guys got some fun time together!
Happy 2009!!! :)
Cute idea!!!! I am glad yall had such a nice romantic new years!!
I agree--cute idea. I always tell Scott that we should get dressed up and have a date at home after Ada goes to bed, but we have yet to do it. I think you have inspired me to actually make it happen.
Wonderful celebration..........everything but pots & pans!!! I know I heard Noah say "Happy New Year!". Go back and listen to the'll hear it!!
Blessings to the Jones' in 2009!
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