Adam and I have a little tradition to celebrate our dating anniversary. It is today October 4th and we have been a couple for six years! We met through circles of mutual friends. In fact several different people take credit for our relation ship. But after several weeks of flirting I invited Adam to be my date to my AOPi fall formal at the Montgomery Zoo. On the bus we shared our testimonies and talked non stop. Adam helped me down from the bus by offering his hand and he didn't let go the rest of the night. And that was it. The rest is history.
This weekend we took Noah to spend some time with Nana and Puddin so we could spend some time celebrating. Work has been crazy for the both of us this week and we both have the crud again, so we settled on a yummy dinner at PF Changs and a little shopping. The best part was reflecting on our favorite memories and qualities in each other. Today we are running errands and cleaning things that are easier to do without little man.
The video is of Noah before we loaded him up in the car to go. His laughter is my favorite sound!
yay! happy dating anniversary! today's my mom's bday!! what a good day oct. 4th is! i called you earlier, but didn't realize you were out celebrating and getting things done. cute video!! there's noting like a baby laugh!! :)
Oh my gosh!! I laughed so hard. Thank you for the "Noah fix". I needed it! What a good Mommy and Daddy Noah has. I love the way you both play with him. I pray his laughter will always refresh you and remind you of what is important in life! High chair derby and tickling tummies!
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