Update #1:
Haircut... The cashier at Publix today told Adam and I that we had a beautiful daughter. Noah WILL have a haircut this week. I don't care what efforts it will take but Adam and I will make it to Kidzcuts before six someday this week.
Update #2:
Biff.... On the day Biff was to return to school he got in a fight on the bus(on his way to school). His parents withdrew him and his two brothers and are sending them to a Christian private school. Could be good. But I was disappointed not to see him again. I guess selfishly wanted a reunion to witness his turn around and gratitude. Maybe it is better this way.
Update #3:
The tooth..... Noah fell AGAIN at daycare knocking his tooth loose again. He went to the dentist again. X-rays look good so we are just waiting to see if it sticks.
Update #4:
Television.... I count Tivo as blessing. I am really grateful for it. I love television. I find it a source of information, inspiration and escape from reality. It is my stress reliever and I am so glad that the new season has started. If the writers could find a way to stay happy that would be great. And please quit making Alex such a jerk so I can justify how badly I want him and Izzie together. Thanks.
Update #5:
Football.... Bryant has the longest losing streak in the state of Alabama. I am not stretching the truth. You can look it up. If anyone has any inspiring words to help motivate my kids to quit bashing the team I would appreciate it. Auburn's coaches and I disagree as to who has talent and who doesn't. Why do you not use your play makers??? And I won't go into detail about how hard it will be to live in Tuscaloosa this week as an Auburn fan, esp. an Auburn fan that teaches at Paul W. Bryant (as in the "Bear") High School.
Update #6:
The biting.... Noah got bit for the third time last week. By the same kid. I am praying and contemplating what I should do. Suggestions???
Update #7:
Friends.... I am so thankful to have had the chance to reconnect even if it was briefly with some old friends this week. Lauren and Leslie, college roommates of mine, came in to town with some friends for dinner and I was able to join them. It was great to see them and laugh, remember, confess and enjoy each other. I wish I lived closer. I also got to walk around College Street shops with my best friend (besides Adam of course) Laura. We haven't seen each other in person since May. We have both been through a lot lately and despite the phone, email, text messages. blogs and other communication nothing does more good for the soul than a hug and face time with your best friend. So thanks Laura and John for taking the time out of your tailgating with friends to visit with me!
Update #8:
Birthdays.... Adam, Noah, Charlie and I got to celebrate Aunt Jenny's birthday Friday night. My mom has an amazing garden in the back. She must have lit a hundred candles. It was beautiful. We ate yummy food and sipped wine (well I did Adam, Charlie and Noah did not partake) and the weather was perfect. Jenny had some friends in from out of town and it was fun to see her with her friends and to join in on their stories. I was jealous that February is too cold for garden parties! Noah would like to give his Aunt Jenny a shout out for her birthday. We all love her and wish we could celebrate her more! Noah's First Birthday is just six weeks away! After listening to plans and ideas my brother in law Jason said it sounded like a baby wedding :) It's just a small gathering with a safari animal theme and homemade invitations and table cloths and a three tier cake to match :) That's not over the top right???
Update #10:
Coincidences.... Adam and I were walking to Toomer's Corner after the win. We have new eyes now when looking at this tradition. We used to see the college people pulling funny stunts and being crazy. This time we noticed all the children and dreamed together of the day when we will arm little Noah with a roll. We wanted to take a picture Adam wanted to do the classic do it yourself pose but I was sure we would see someone we knew. He said, "No way." And took a picture. But then who walked right up and said, "Here let me." ???? My very own little sister.
yay for updates!!! you'll definitely have to post pics of noah's haircut!! umm . . and have you met your new neighbors yet?? (just trying to keep you accountable) ;) also, tell me who this kid is that keeps biting noah . . i've got connections!!!
so, i thoroughly enjoyed catching up on you guys w/ this post, but i must admit that i'm crazy lost on the last part about toomers corner . . what's this about arming noah w/ a roll? and what's the "classic do-it-yourself" pose?? i'm wracking my brain trying to come up with ideas on what this could all mean. please explain your silly auburn traditions w/ this ignorant alabama girl ;)
Gladly, for every Auburn victory fans head downtown Auburn to Toomer's corner. There is an old tree that has been there forever. And we roll it and all the other trees around with toilet paper. People from ages 1 to 80 come. Thousands of people yelling and cheering. It is the most fun after a big victory. It is one of my favorite traditions.
I did meet my neighbors!
We aren't supposed to know who is biting him. But using the process of elimination we believe it is a Clear Creek Resident who is friends with Thomas and Dusti.
I am SO with you on update #5. I am struggling with teh fact that I live in Tuscaloosa right now too. And yes, Auburn's offensive coaches dont' seem to get that we arent making anything happen.
ooh ooh ooh!!! i just might know who you're talking about and, if so, i even know where they live!!! oooooooh, they better sleep w/ their eyes open tonight!!!! ;) NOBODY messes w/ my friend noah!
I love your update!! I don't think Noah looks like a girl, just so you know. :)
Loving you from the bay! (there are bama fans here too. boo.)
i did make a great entrance, didn't i? it was funny... griffin and sam were just saying that they didn't want to walk through the crowd and i took off right towards it!
i can't wait to see noah out there with all the other little boys trying to nail a tree...
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