This past weekend was loaded with family, travel, and reflection!
First we were in Auburn for the LSU game. I won't go into details about what happened or didn't happen on the field but I will mention Noah's first tailgate and gameday stroll down College. I had so much watching Adam's family enjoying sharing this tradition with Noah. Auburn always makes me feel special and connected. It was great being able to share that with Noah. Sunday Nana graciously took morning duty with Noah and Adam and I slept in. Then we ate a fantastic home cooked breakfast and visited with Robin and Chris. It didn't last nearly as long as we would like. Adam had to head back to work. Noah and I unpacked, cleaned up, and organized for the upcoming week.
Then we tried on Noah's Halloween costume. Below is a sneak peek of Noah's Halloween costume. He's the cutest giraffe I've ever seen!
At dinner time we discovered Noah's new favorite game!
Roller Chair!!!
We had a great weekend instilling and sharing Auburn traditions and enjoying family time.
This past weekend we spent a lot of time in the car. I had a lot of time to reflect on things I've been sorting out emotionally and spiritually. This reflection was partly spurred by the song, "By My Side" by Tenth Avenue North. Since school started I've been kind of down in the dumps. I keep thinking there would be certain things that would make me feel happier or better about the stress I face balancing all my roles. These are the lyrics that helped me reflect and adjust my attitude.
Why are you striving these days
Why are you trying to earn grace
Why are you crying
Let me lift up your face
Just don't turn away
Why are you looking for love
Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough
To where will you go child
Tell me where will you run
To where will you run
And I'll be by your side
Wherever you fall
In the dead of night
Whenever you call
And please don't fight
These hands that are holding you
My hands are holding you
Look at these hands and my side
They swallowed the grave on that night
When I drank the world's sin
So I could carry you in
And give you life
I want to give you life
I thought about how I have been fighting God's hands in my life by being unsatisfied with my current circumstances. He has me here and now for a purpose and by striving for another situation I have been ignoring His desires for my life and service. I am missing opportunities to glorify him. He knows me in and out. Maybe I can't seem to cross off all my to do's because He knew I wouldn't turn to Him in my overwhelm. Maybe I feel stress and out of control so I will turn to him in weakness instead of attempting to do it on my own. Maybe I don't see the fruition of my labor because it would cause me undue pride. I confess fighting his will in my life. I am praying for clarity and the ability to recognize God's wisdom and desires for me. I am thankful that he acts on my behalf by blessing me when I don't deserve it. I am thankful for his timing even when I don't see it. I am thankful for his comfort when I feel loss of unknown blessings and when I blame myself for the loss of them. I am thankful for finding satisfaction in the here and now!
I am glad yall had a good weekend! I wish we could go to an Auburn game so bad!!
I copied your count down idea on Anderson's 11 month birthday post... hope you don't mind!
I hope and pray you have a WONDERFUL week!!!
I miss Auburn!! Noah is so adorable...I just read your post about Biff and it made me cry! I am so proud of you, and I know that you are making a huge difference!
love the new blog set up! But i am sad because we were in Auburn too! I wish I could have seen you and Noah!!! Love you!
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