Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Year of 2013

I came across the app called Flipgram. Takes your pictures and turns them into videos. It is the sweetest thing. People have taken their Instagram pictures from the year and made short little videos. I did some for the boys but as I started looking at all of our photos for the year it was so hard to choose. We have had such a sweet year. Even the things we saw as bumps now looking back have become sweet blessings. I made this longer version of our year in review and at first the pictures may seem random Instagram fillers but to me it tells a story of what this year has meant to me.

There are plenty of pictures of the boys. It has been a big year for them both. Miller began 2013 with a speech evaluation and has proved most of worrying as a waste as he talks up a storm. Noah finished up Preschool at CHUMC and began Kindergarten! He is a reader! It just blows me away how much he is growing. My boys are full of energy and many nights I fell into bed exhausted and wondering if I am doing it right. Am I giving them what they need? I am giving my best? These photos of their silly faces are reminders of sweet moments and are a way I hear God's voice saying "Yes, my love. Keep going. Keep giving."

You will see a few pictures of my classroom. This year I ended an 8 year journey as a teacher at BHS and began and new journey as a reading coach. That process was bittersweet but I felt God's hand on my heart as I closed the door to that room and moved my things across town to my new home away from home.

In the spring I began a new journey of healthier living. I joined the gym and changed my diet. I have lost about 35 lbs. and developed a love for the treadmill and clean eating. Of course I still love a cheat day now and again. So you might see pictures of my shoes and new recipes tried. These represent so much to me as I feel God guiding me to victory over bad habits and laziness as part of our personal journey in growing self discipline.

In our extended family we were blessed to add a brother in law and a new nephew. And to celebrate the retirement of Adam's parents! Our families continue to be such a blessing to us.

The song I picked as the backdrop is "A Life That's Good" from the Nashville Soundtrack. These sweet lyrics remind of the many many blessings I have in my sweet good life and where they come from.

2013 was a good year for me. I feel that it is a bridge to a new stage in life full of possibilities and I am sure challenges. I look forward to 2014 and I hope that I will follow some good advice I read, "What you were good at last year just do it better." That is my resolution. Just simply try for better each day. To be a better follower of Christ, a better wife, a better mother, a better daughter, a better sister,a better employee and a better friend.

1 comment:

Robin said...

So sweet! Love it!