Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Things on My Bedside Table

It is no secret that Noah is a daddy's boy. He adores Adam. And I am glad. I really am even though I thought little boys were supposed to be mommy's boys until they were seven. But really I am glad. Mostly.

Noah and I were cleaning house getting ready for Nana to play with the kids today. Noah set flowers (weeds from the back yard he "rescued" from Adam and the lawn mower) in a vase (or the paint cup from his easel) on the coffee table to make it pretty for Nana. Miller has a very intense attraction to these paint cups. He loves to unscrew the lids. Such waterworks and disappointment ensued that I got out a real vase. Later just before bed I went into my room and next to my resident and revolving car was a vase of flowers. When I told Noah thank you...he said they are pretty just like you..... melting heart. I love cars, Jesus bunnies wrapped in cloth and weeds on my bedside table. And the little boy who puts them there!


Adam Jones said...

He might be a Daddy's boy - I'm not saying he is - but his tenderness is from you. I'm afraid I'd be awful at raising boys alone. Their hearts would come to resemble the flint of mine. Two elements make us, the dust God formed us with and His breath that gave us life. It is Grace you pass on with your constant struggle against Nature to help remove the scales so the boys can see what's real. I don't know who they'd be without you, and I pray not to find out.

(And yes, "Tree of Life" is the movie that keeps on giving.)

Catie said...

I just got chills Carrie! It's those precious moments that we so need!

Laudan said...

So precious Carrie!! And Adam's comment made me tear up :-) You have such a sweet family!

Laudan said...

Oh and by the way, Ben turned into total Daddy's boy by the time he was 4!

Carrie said...

Thanks y'all! He is so sweet. Sometimes ;)

Anonymous said...

He is the sweetest boy and has some of very sweet moments that compel me to kiss and hug him if I'm near. Love you all.