On Saturday mornings my amazing husband lets me sleep in. It is incredibly selfless and loving. And I am not sure I would survive without those extra hours. I usually rise to the sounds of all kinds of boy fun happening just beyond the bedroom door. Today I got up and found this:

A magical fort. For big boys only.

And Charlie watched over it all.

So precious! Adam made a few of those in his early days. I love to listen and watch all that imagination. Love, Nana
Charlie wants a fort of his own......
I just love this post. The pictures make my heart happy. Nothing like laughing grandchildren to do that to a person. Thanks to both parents of these little guys.....you are doing a terrific job parenting two of my favorite heart flippers (my heart flips and dances when I see their happy faces)!
Thanks for Saturday morning forts, wrestling Mommy matches, long splashing baths, paint covered finger tips...and so many, many other moments created by patient creative parents, making memories AND pictures that fill hearts.
I appreciate what you are both pouring into Noah and Miller that will last a life time.
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