Last week was the first week of Advent and at Calvary we lit the Candle of Hope. Christ is our hope. And He brings hope to all mankind. And I sat in my pew just utterly grateful for the hope He has given me. And to see that hope fulfilled.
The day before Thanksgiving we were packing up the boys and the dog for Thanksgiving in Birmingham when Adam got a phone call that I will never forget. He was offered a job as the University of Alabama College of Engineering Spokesman. This job, which he accepted and starts in a week, is an answer to so many of our prayers. Not only does it provide us with more time as a family with more consistent hours (8-5 M-F instead of M-Th 9- to somewhere between 6 and 8 and Sundays 2-11pm) but it also gives us more financial security. It is something I have been hoping for. For a long time. I am so thankful to have an answer to this hope for a new job and the great things it will mean for our family.
On the flip side it would be dishonest if I said I was a 100% thrilled. I am an Auburn grad. I grew up in Birmingham and both set of parents are there not to mention countless high school and college friends that I am dying to get back to there. I have been living my life here the past several years as if it was temporary. A little respite. Our new opportunity was just around the corner and we would leave Tuscaloosa with good memories and a few good friends. But God had something different in mind. I am so very thankful He is in control and He knows what the rest of my story is. Not only that but that He uses me to tell His story. It now includes Tuscaloosa as my city. My city. In all its crimson and houndstooth glory. Time to embrace it. (But not wear it) Time to put down some roots. To act as if I am here for good and not guard my heart against losing friendships because they will be temporary. Also it is time to stop taking my older friendships for granted by thinking well one day I will be closer. Because I probably won't and since I miss these friends and value them dearly I need to figure out how to make the distance work.
I am hoping this Advent season to be open to what God has for here, in my city. I hope He uses me and my family in ways I can't imagine. And I am thankful, oh so thankful for hope fufilled.
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