Monday, April 11, 2011

The Messiest Eater Ever

This little man is the messiest eater ever. Ever. Ever.
Because he is always on the move.
And just so full of joy.
I'm pretty sure that if I were this cute I would be full of joy too.


Brett & Mark said...

Oh my gosh Carrie! Stop it!! He is too too cute! I can't take it!!!

Anonymous said...

Precious!! Love these boys.

Robin said...

Those are the cutest pictures of Miller ever! I just want to snuggle him! But maybe after he's had a bath. :-)

Mom said...

Wonderful pictures! Thank you! By - the- way...I think you ARE that cute!!! So Joy-Up, my girl!

Mimi said...

I keep looking at these pictures again and again. I pray Miller will always live life like that...leaning into joy and expereincing everything he can in the moment....not afraid of the mess life can and will bring....arms up to the Lord."Yes Lord! Yes! Life IS good!"
I pray that for you too my daughter. Life is good, mess and all. Don't forget to taste it in the moment. "The little child shall lead us."