Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Weekend That Just Wasn't to Be

I had big plans for this weekend. We were going to get discounted circus tickets Friday night and then meet both sets of parents for dinner. Saturday we were going to head to the Plains to celebrate out National Championship with the Auburn Family. Sunday we were going to participate in Calvary's Baby Dedication as we made a commitment to Miller and our church family. We have been praying and preparing for this for weeks. We had brunch with our family planned for afterwards with a yummy Dreamcakes Cake. And Miller was going to wear Noah's gown he wore for his baby dedication. I was going to have their initials and dates monogrammed on the bottom of the gown.

This is how the weekend really went down:

Friday 12:30 pm - text from Adam indicating that he was nauseated.

Friday 4:30 pm - Arrive home to a very sick husband.

Friday 9:30 pm- Sick myself.

Saturday 10 am- Feeling better. Begin to try to salvage plans for Sunday's dedication.

Saturday 9pm- Noah throws up. Baby Dedication is definitely off.

I know that God will bless Miller no matter where or how we dedicate him but I have to admit that I am really disappointed by the mess this weekend turned out to be. I am sad about not being able to celebrate in Auburn. I am sad about this yummy cake that is now in my mom's freezer. I am disappointed that Miller and Noah will not have this special traditional gown to share. I am disappointed that Miller will have to wait to be dedicated in front of our church family. I am disappointed that we won't be able to fuss over him and celebrate him tomorrow. I really hate germs. I really hate them when they ruin my plans!


Mom said...

I hate germs too! I am so sorry your big weekend got highjacked by them. I'm sorry that we didn't to see all off your sweet faces this weekend.
I have to say.....only 1/2 of Miller's dedication cake is in my freezer! We prayed for him when we cut into it :-)
We decided to call the evening "Making the Most of a Bad Situation....Let Us Eat Cake!"
Love to all of you!

Anonymous said...

We missed the weekend too but we are so sorry all of you had to be sick. We never know why somethings happen. We'll just all do a weekend soon together. I do miss those boys!!
Love, MIL

Laudan said...

Sorry to hear that!! I hate stomach bugs, they are the worst!! Hope you all are better now!!