Saturday, January 8, 2011

The New Years Freak Out

On New Year's Eve I pretty much ruined out at home date with some serious discussions about life.

I am so glad that Adam understands me and probably anticipated some kind of down in the dumps talk prior to school starting. He loves me through it all. Then on New Year's day I freaked out and went into a manic determined nesting kind of frenzy. Adam went to work and during the boys' nap and after they were in bed.... I made and froze 50 servings of baby food, cleaned out my closet (which could have been featured on hoarders), and both of my dressers, and made and froze three casseroles. Craziness. I was a little nervous about going back to work. A little nervous energy is good for my house though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! You will be so glad you did that and some stress reliever. It will be good.