Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Thanksgivings

Our Thanksgiving this year came in two parts. Neither of which were actually on Thursday. First, soon after getting into town on Wednesday night we met up with these two for coffee and catching up. They literally drive all over the state and out of it to see all their families so I loved getting to snag a few minutes to visit.

Thursday we relaxed at Nana and Puddin's house and visited the park. We were warming up for the big feast on Friday prior to "the" game.

On Friday we enjoyed spending time with Aubrey Kate and her parents, of course. Puddin' really out did himself with the turkey this year. I'll be dreaming about its yummy juicy tenderness until next November.

Then it was game time. That is a whole other post.

Saturday we headed over to Mimi and Papa's house. My sister ordered all the kids these cute turkey shirts. They were adorable. We wanted to get a photo of them all. This is how that turned out: Adam is wondering, "Where do I put the baby?"Noah wanted to hold a baby like Michael. We let him hold Xander's hand.

Lillie gives great hugs!

We all decorated the table runner with things we are thankful for before enjoying another great meal! And I am truly thankful for and blessed by our family on all sides! And all the ways our family continues to stretch and grow. (And I don't mean our clothes stretching and waists growing from dressing and hashbrown casserole.) Happy First Thanksgiving to these four pumpkins.

Disclaimer: All the pictures that are good are ones my mom took :)

1 comment:

Adam Jones said...

I don't think there is a family member Noah didn't snag into reading him the car pop-up book. Dad and Robin are both reading to him in this post.