Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Whiny Post

This is going to be a very self indulgent post. But I think that at some point in the third trimester pregnant women get this way. You have to pull yourself out of the mood. I am thankful tomorrow is Sunday and perhaps worshiping my Creator and Savior will push me back into reality instead of self pity. Here is what I am whining about:

I waddle when I walk. I can't eat when or what I want. And right now I could really use some sweet tea or a milkshake or a cupcake or a slice cheesecake or an Oreo or..... I could go on. Apparently can't handle Tylenol. So I am also whining about the night time pelvic pain that is threatening to become unbearable everytime I roll over or move my legs. I am tired. Very tired. And its really hot. Very hot.

Okay I am done now. I won't whine about it again. (Well I will try not to.)

Instead I will tell you how excited I am about this little life growing and moving around inside me. He doesn't seem to mind the heat or lack of sugar in our lives. I can't wait to meet him. I am sure he is worth all the sugar testing and sweating it out. We have big plans this week for his room and organizing things. I am also so very proud of Noah and his potty training! We kicked the little potty (it was nasty) to the curb and settled instead on a racecar toilet seat that hooks on to the big potty (not nearly as gross to clean) and a little stool. He likes it a lot. We also had to revise the rewards (gummies for pee pee and ring pops for poo poo). He literally could make himself go either on command for a prize. Yesterday he had five ring pops! Today we switched to Dibs (small ice cream balls, he gets one or two) . Much better. The face he makes when he knows he is being successful (HUGE grin) and the happy clapping dance he does when he runs to get his prize is better than any milkshake!


Catie said...

Carrie, I think you are doing a great job with Noah!! I am excited about all of your potty training success (I can't believe I will be there with 2 one day!). And I know that Miller really appreciates your sugar sacrifices. Everything will be worth it to keep the two of you healthy! Hang in there- I'll send up some prayers for you guys!

Laura said...

cheering you on from montgomery! miss you and love you lots!

Mom said...

Definately with you on getting excited to meet Miller!
What a summer of your life this is. You will never forget it....but the really rough stuff will fade a bit as you revel in the good!
Thank God for Sunday mornings! I need mine too! :-)