Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Thanksgiving Celebrations

We celebrated Thanksgiving. Yes we did. We had a great week relaxing and spending time with our families. On Thursday we spent the day at the Joneses playingBeatles Rockband, watching parades, dreaming about little girls, and eating great food! Friday Adam and I went with our fathers (and Chris and his family)to the Iron Bowl. (More on that later.) Saturday we relaxed at Mimi's, played toys, watched Thomas, made Apple Pie, played family games, and ate even more great food! The four of us (because Charlie loves our family as much as we do) enjoyed every minute of our family time! And here are the pictures to prove it:

Noah's First Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Boys and Rockband

Relaxing with Mimi

Sweet Cousins- Michael has always been a snuggler. Sweet boy, he fell assleep watching Thomas with Noah just like when he was little.

Apple Pie

Playing Dominoes

1 comment:

Mom said...

A great day...well DAYS for you! Thanks to Adam for taking the picture at our house...it captures the perfect hanging around kind of day I cherish when all of your are here!
By the way...your pie was GREAT!