This is a typical mid week day of the work week of a teacher with an almost two year old. Be careful or reading it may make you just as tired as I am now. Or you might find parts of it as humorous as Mimi did.
5:15 AM - My alarm goes off in plenty of time for a cardio workout and devotional. I hit snooze.
5:25 AM-My alarm goes off again. I turn it off. In my head I am justifying why I am not getting up to workout for the millionth day in a row.
5:50 AM I get up and get in the shower. I am taking Noah to school today because Adam is about to leave to cover a story in Anniston. I get ready in a hurry.
6:25AM- I get Noah up and dressed. Jeans, Spider Applique Shirt, and shoes. Where is is jacket?? I guess his winter coat will do this morning. Time for breakfast that sweet Adam made the night before. I pack my lunch and load all our stuff in the car.
6:50 AM- Noah is still eating breakfast. I pry him away and pack the leftovers for him to eat at school.
7 AM - I am prying myself away from Noah at school. Brooke was there to greet him. He barely noticed me leave. I hate to go. I am thankful again that Adam usually takes him.
7:30 AM- Detention starts. I scramble to get the classroom ready for kids. Get the computer up and running. Warm up my hot tea. Pray over the day.
9 AM- I am trying to determine if that bottle one of my students is sipping on is really juice or something else.
11AM- Twenty five minutes left in my prep period. Quizzes made, two sets of papers graded, parents emailed, class blogs updated, six weeks test study guides made and copied. Panic starts to set in. Third period is coming.
12:15 PM- I get a Facebook status update from one of Noah's teachers. It has been a long morning. I start to worry as to what that means.
12:30 PM- Lunch is five minutes away. I have moved four kids into new seats, assigned three detentions, stopped two kids from launching rubber bands at each other, and stopped a spitball war. (Yes I do teach high school kids).
1:37 PM- Third period walks out. Shoo.
3:17 PM - Bell rings in three minutes. Making a list for the grocery store and Barnes and Noble.
4:10 PM- At Barnes and Noble. Picked up the present and now frantically trying to find the Max and Ruby Halloween Book for Noah.
4:35 PM- Back in the car. Not enough time to go to the grocery store without Noah. Fun...
5:01 PM- I am struggling to get Noah, his overflowing backpack, lunchbox, napmat, artwork, winter coat, and the lost blue jacket into the backseat. He breaks away. Into the road. I drop the stuff in the road.
5:15 PM- Noah, Max and Ruby Book, Auburn Truck, and Spots are all in the car buggy at Winn Dixie. I turned to look for lemon pepper (to make Megan's new dish she shared). I turn back to throw it in the cart and surprise! Half our items are in the aisle. On the floor. And Noah is grinning ear to ear. "On the floor!" Yes it is on the floor.
5:35 PM -We are checking out. Somehow a Pineapple Upside Down Cake Mix got in our buggy. The book, Spots, and the truck are on the conveyor belt as well.
5:45 PM- B and Ms. J meet us in the garage. I unload groceries and start dinner while B and Noah play. Noah and B share dinner and I stuff my face with Macaroni and a hot dog. Healthy.
6:25 PM- Noah and B decide to play outside. This consists of running around the block. Chasing eachother. Noah would catch B and give her a big hug. And then she would say, "Noah got me". Then they would hold hands. Adorable. Until we got to this. Just your average neighborhood sink hole. I picked Noah up and bit me. He got a spanking. Then he wanted to kiss my boo boo.
7:15 PM We are in the bathroom getting ready for a bath. Noah decides he needs to potty. Fully clothed. While drinking juice. I think that defeats the purpose. Then somehow the juice ends up in the big potty.
"Oh No!"
7:30 PM- Bathtime is over. I am on the phone with PaPa. Noah is covered in hives.
7:45 PM- Adam walks in the door from an equally long day. He takes over storytime. I kiss them both goodnight. And hank God yet again for my husband!
8:10 PM - I am in the bubble bath with a glass of wine. Praying for the next day. Forgetting about the laundry and housework. Maybe tomorrow!
I love the stage Noah is at. He may absolutely wear me out. But he is also adorable, funny and sweet. I think I know why people start coffee habits.
You are so right. I am tired after reading that. . .
This makes me tired just reading about this.
This is why young people have children.
Love, mil
yes, i do believe that my coffee addiction (not habit anymore) began when Sam was about this age...and now, I have Jacob who is this age and a four year old. It is 3 in the afternoon and I am still drinking coffee...but, it is so worth it, isn't it??? I love it, but I am indeed tired :)
I am sorry I laughed about Noah throwing things out of the basket at the store. I could just picture that great big grin. He was so proud of himself! I had not heard about your whole day before that cute little laughing matter!
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