Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Growing Boy

Noah is really turning into a little boy! It seems that everyday he learns something new and sheds more of his baby habits. I thought I'd share some.

Noah has some favorite words. Clock is definitely number one. He points out clocks anywhere we are including watches on people. He also loves to ask, "that?" while pointing at things ( or sometimes at nothing). And of course he still loves to show you balls. Or anything round or circular. And then call it a ball.

He has picked up many new words like bubbles, banana, off(kind of), no, juice. He also shakes and nods his head for yes and no. I think at school they clap when they do something good because when he is sweet or puts something away he claps.

He loves to color. In kind of an obsessive way. And using sidewalk chalk.

He adores being outside and loves trying to run into the street.

He loves to feed himself with his spoon. Especially yogurt.

When I was throwing up all nine months and couldn't take my vitamins or eat fish or those other things that are supposed to increase brain power in the womb I was worried it would effect him. But now that he adds daily to his vocabulary and is figuring things out I feel better.

1 comment:

Laura said...

i love you and that growing boy!