Friday, October 31, 2008

The Training

Now that Noah is heading out of the baby stage the requirements for his physical needs are not as demanding as they once were. But now the requirements for his spiritual and emotional needs are greater. We are working on discipline as he tests the boundaries we set up for him. We adore him and he knows it. He is such a happy little boy. He squeals out of joy often while playing alone or with us and Charlie. He is a delight. As it becomes evident that he understands us better it is time to start focusing on training him up in Christ. We have always prayed, talked, and read Bible stories with him. But now I am trying to find ways to be more deliberate in his training. Several friends have their toddlers and children memorize verses. Our Preschool department at Calvary provides a monthly verse and works on it at church. Since Noah can't talk yet, I thought in this next year we would pick a qualities we want to teach him such as the fruit of the spirit. And each month we will find situations to model the quality, read stories about it, do activities for it and so on. So we will be starting tomorrow on November 1st. Our quality this month is gratefulness. Should be an easy one to start with for Thanksgiving. If you have any suggestions for activities and things for gratefulness please let me know! December will be joyfulness.

On a side note.... Why am I so sad about his birthday????? Does anyone share in this weird emotional experience? I should be thrilled! Instead I tear up every time I think about it.


LB said...

hi Carrie, it's Laura Beth Moore again:)

What a great idea!! I love it, and I just might steal it for Ada. I also remember reading a post about how you pray for Noah at night, didn't I? Something about how you start at his feet and work your way up or something like that. Can you remind me of what you do? I would like to do that as well.

Lindsey said...

Oh, yeah. I boo hooed all over town the day I bought all of the stuff for their first birthday party. And the day before their birthday. And the day of their birthday. Second was not much better - I cried putting them to bed that night. It's just not easy watching them grow up in what seems like the blink of an eye. It's so exciting looking ahead to all that they will learn and do, but knowing you will never get those early, innocent years back is tough. You're such a great Mom though Carrie. Noah is going to be such a wonderful, God-fearing little boy! :)