Monday, January 21, 2008

The Pregancy

Eleven months ago I wanted to have a glass of wine with dinner but I was little late and wanted to double check that I was not pregnant. Three positives later I began to come to terms with the biggest blessing God has given me, Noah.
Noah was a surprise. My entire life I had two ambitions. To be a good wife and to be a good mother. I met my first goal in January of 2005 when I married Adam. I loved our life together. We traveled, slept ridiculously late on the weekends, stayed up late playing games, and spoiled our only baby, our Golden Retriever Charlie. I was satisfied with the way things were I could have put off dream number two for several years. Luckily God had a different plan, as he usually does.
One week after finding out God's new plan for my life I began to throw up. And I did so usually multiple times a day up until the delivery. I actually threw up shortly before giving birth. Teaching high school history and being so sick did not mix well. The last couple of months before summer were hard. Adam was so sweet and took over most house duties like cooking and cleaning. It was hard to connect to this little being inside me who was making me so sick. Up until I saw his little heartbeat and face in the second ultrasound. I fell in love with my little man.
As Noah grew so did my desire to move out of rental in the ghetto to a house of our own. So I convinced Adam we should buy a house and a week before school started back we bought our first house. Back at school I continued to get sicker and it got increasingly harder to make it through each day. It was all I could do to make it from 7:45 to 3:20. I missed out on a lot of social extras, the wedding of one of my best friends, countless get togethers, and numerous church services. By mid October it was obvious that something was wrong. My blood pressure skyrocketed and tests showed my kidneys were beginning to be affected. I was put on bed rest. I had to see my doctor every week sometimes twice for monitoring. At one visit in November she decided that we couldn't risk my health any longer and it was time to get Noah out! We packed our stuff and headed to Birmingham.

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