Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well, we survived the first day of daycare. There were more than a few tears shed in the morning as I left him knowing that Adam would be dropping him off soon. Adam said things went well at the drop off. I was upset and during my prep period I went to our secretary's office and cried to her. She was so sweet and understanding. She made me call daycare and check up on him. He of course was fine and completely oblivious to what was going on. He has no clue I abandoned him and left his entire well being up to strangers with nose rings. When I picked him up he was peacefully asleep in a bouncy chair. I got a full report of his schedule. He wasn't too far off his original schedule. The real test came at night. Would he sleep his normal seven hours after being taken off course? He did! Seven hours, the little angel. And the other good news is that his bedding that we special ordered three and half months ago has finally made its way to Northport from India. And I will pick it up today and the nursery will finally be done. God is showing me that no amount of fuss, frustration, and worry can change my plan for you Carrie. Just go with it!


Jana said...

YAY that he slept 7 hrs!! So did Micah, if you can believe that!! I know I couldn't! I woke up several times just to check and see if he was still breathing cause I could hardly believe it! Ahh, it was glorious! But I'm not ready to let myself believe that it could be the start of a beautiful thing . . .! ;)

Beth Goff said...

Oh I am so glad things went well. I know it must be hard but don't be too hard on yourself. He is going to be JUST fine. I am so glad he slept 7 hrs for you!!! If it makes you feel any better Anderson's daytime schedule is all over the place most days and he sleeps exactly the same every night. I am so glad. Post pictures of your bedding. I would love to see it!!!

Carrie said...

I was so relieved to have him sleep and to see that he was pretty happy. It was truly an answer to my prayers or begging :)

About the bedding... My mom was going to pay the remaining balance, she wrote a check to the store and left it with us. Adam lost it! So we have to wait to pick it up until we get a new check from my mom!! I am so frustrated. Its sad that Noah is almost three months old and his nursery isn't finished!