Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Day That Was Not Pajama Day

The first week of school is in the books. The switch from block to a eight period day is kicking my tail. I don't know which way is up and I am struggling to learn names and get a handle on things. Meanwhile the boys are loving school and their new teachers, especially Noah. Both boys use the same curriculum so they learn about the same letter, number, Bible story etc. It has been very helpful to have them on the same page. Friday they were both to bring teddy bears. Friday my intern was coming. Friday was the end of a long week. I thought it was pajama day. A teddy bear sleepover. It was. But just for Miller. We sent Noah to school in his pajamas. He was the only one in his class. It did not go well. But he got over it quickly. His teacher was amazing in handling it. I felt terrible. But by the afternoon he was over it. He is adaptable. I love him. And I need to get a handle...... 


Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for quick thinking teachers! I bet that has happened before. So glad Noah recovered.
Love, Nana

Mom said...

Maybe everyday should be pajama day...teachers too. Think how comfy. Think how easy. Maybe you could start a new movement.