Monday, September 12, 2011

The Verses

I put a lot of pressure on myself to train Noah spiritually. I feel such a huge responsibility to model God's love, grace and patience and I fail at it everyday. It is a hard realization that I can not force Noah to love Jesus and give his heart to Him. I can not make him obey or make him be loving and forgiving. I want Noah to find his security and worth in God. And I want Noah to love all of God's people not just the ones like him. But ultimately this is his choice. All I can do is talk about God, sing about God, read about God and model loving God. For Christmas I got Noah an ABC verse memorization book. We work on a letter a week and work on writing these instructive verses on Noah's little heart. Along with these we work on the church's monthly verses as well as the ones he learns from school. I love to hear him say these verses he knows and it brings me comfort to know they are hidden there forever. Last week I got Noah to tell me the seven verses he knows for the camera. He did pretty well. I am so proud of him because I know he memorizes these by choice. I can not force this little one to do anything :) Of course he always thinks candy will be somehow involved.


Laudan said...

That is great!!! I am very impressed :-)

alysonc said...

Carrie I always love your blog and LOVED this one!!Do you mind sharing what ABC book you have??? I'd love to get it for my girls!!

Mimi said...

Good job Noah.....and Mommy!
Thanks for the vidoe!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet Noah! Your put joy in my heart! Nana loves you!

Carrie said...

Alyson, The book is called My ABC Verses hiding God's Word in Little Hearts by Susan Hunt. It is little old for Noah. Probably best for five and up. But we do it anyway. Sometimes I modify the language in from the version they use. Like replacing wrath with anger. To make it a tad simpler for him. But I really like how it uses application verses and tells a story of how kids use the verse.