Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Good KInd of Busy

The blog has really suffered this past month. I hope September is better. But we have been super busy in a good way. School is full swing. Football even started last week (with an awesome win!). I am trying not to lose my sanity with the alternating A/B block schedule. And going from having 75 kids a semester to 150 kids. That's a lot of names and papers and lesson plans to keep straight! I am also on the Morale Committee this year which I love! But it is busy and hard work cheering everyone up. But I love spreading encouragement. Especially since it is something I feel that God has me at this school to do.

Then there is Paper Happies, my very small paper goods business. I have had two Etsy orders this month. On top of two orders from FaceBook. So that is a blessing. And about double the sales I had all summer. Just a little play money or in this month's case, back to school money.

Adam and I are also teaching Kindergarten Worship Care on Sunday mornings this year. That is a whole other post. Wow. Teenagers I can wrangle. But six year olds run circles around me.

Then the fall starts fun things like Bible Study and other clubs/groups. One friend in my neighborhood started a monthly Ladies' Craft Night. I am so excited about crafting and putting all my Pintrest ideas into action. I am really trying not to be a social recluse this year by doing book club and other sociable things like the MomTime activities at church.

And Consignment season is about to start so I am pulling clothes, sorting clothes and just clothes, clothes, clothes. We are about to have a giant garage sale in October. We have collected stuff from my parent's house that they are about to remodel. We are no longer parking in the garage! We are hoping to do really well so that we can make some headway on our financial goals for the year.

And my goals for Fall. They include putting one Pintrest idea into action a week. (So that all the time I spend there is not a waste.) So far I have made large lemon ice cubes, sinful Oreo brownies, homemade ice cream in a freezer bag, hand print art and this week I am doing some freezer recipes. Another goal is having a freezer full of ready made meals. I am LOVING this. It makes after school time, time. Time with the kids playing or watching them play while I do not cook. I currently put two freezer meals into our weekly menu plan. But hopefully I can make that more and more. I would love to have freezer meals on weeknights and cook fun things on the weekends. I am also working on the fitness. Although I have stood Jillian Michaels up everyday this month. But tomorrow starts the Shred. I saw so much progress and have dramatically changed my eating habits. I am hoping to be back to my pre Noah self or better by the Spring!

And then there are my loves. Adam. Noah. Miller. Adam is busy covering his beat and kinda half of another for a coworker who just had an adorable little baby. But she covers councilil meetings. At dinner time. Just once every other week. But Adam is the kind of husband and Dad that his presence and helping hands are sorely missed whenever absent. Noah is in his new class at school and thriving. He loves all the crafts and weekly letter show and tells. He is also loving the weekly prize for good behavior. For the first week they learned about manners and I saw a direct rise in thank you's and mams. The best is when he said no one could eat until we were all served. Really?Apparently this was a new concept to him. Not a rule in our house or anything :) Miller is Miller. Not walking. Not talking. But smiling and charming everyone. And loving his people. He loves to play independently these days. I am trying not to freak that Noah had about ten words at this point in his toddlerhood. While Miller can moo like a cow. And say mamamamamamamama. And of course he says DaDa.

I am feeling super convicted about savoring every moment. So I am doing my best. Like the saying , "Don't feel sad. Just go be awesome." I saw it on Pinterest. It sounds like something Michael Scott would say. But I am just trying to spend all of me I can. Lay it all out there. Use everything He gave me. I am here for a reason. And all I can do is live and live fully. But I really could use a nap.

And because no post is complete without a photo... here is one my friend Susan tagged on Pintrest. When I saw it I cried. Worship. I just love it.

And now back to work on these lesson plans. Just wanted to post something during the month of August!

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