And oh how He has been helping me. Though chaos is around me and stress is my middle name and I am three steps behind...I am at peace.
And I am being rewarded.
On Friday I gave a unit quiz to my regular fourth block class. I have been working on this unit for a couple of weeks. Reteaching. Reteaching. And reteaching some more. I had given some informal assessments through verbal interviews a couple of days before and was disappointed by the results. So I retaught some more. S-L-O-W-L-Y. Would you know that the lowest grade was a 70?? That the class average was 89?? The best part was the joy that these kids showed. I am pretty sure that some of them had never made an A before. One of my sweet students is a struggling reader and has worked HARD for me. He made a 77. He had tears in eyes and was so excited. The look on his face was a gift to me from God and one of those teaching moments you keep in your heart.
Saturday dawned warm and bright inside and out. We headed to Birmingham to visit with MiMi and Papa and take Noah to his first Circus. I was giddy. The weather was amazing. We decided to make an impromptu picnic trip to Homewood Park. It was Miller's first trip to the park and first ride on a swing. I am pretty sure he enjoyed both.
After a glorious afternoon enjoying God's beautiful world, we headed to the circus! Noah was a little scared at first. But then the clown cars came out. And the look on Noah's face is one I will never forget. It is the best part of motherhood....bringing joy to my children.
On to the pictures.....
Relaxing at the park. Yes she did. And her grandsons thought it was awesome!!
Love these two!
A little nervous right before the circus started.
That would be cotton candy all over his face.
I am always amazed at how the get these awesome animals to do stuff.
I'm a total strange, but your post gave me such a needed lift today. The last picture of you and your son says it all! God is in control even in chaos.
Carrie! I love your story about your student! That gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes!! I can only imagine how rewarding that felt. You are super mom, wife, teacher...everything! :)
Great post, Carrie! I love the pictures.....even the one of me showing how grandchildren are making me crazy AND helping me get over myself. I will do just about anything to make them laugh!
I also love the pictures from the circus...would love a copy of the one with you and Noah. He is his mommy's son :-) Full of joy and exuberence for life.
By the way. You already know how they get the elephants to do tricks. They bribe them with treats ;-) A chocolate chip cookie? A ring pop? What ever works!
I love you, my life loving, living full stop daughter!
What a wonderful day! I'm so happy you all had a great day! The pictures are precious! I need to hug the boys SOON!
Love, Nana
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