Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Third Year in Pictures

Noah had a big year! He mastered the potty, became a big brother, was in his first program, learned shapes, colors, numbers, and letters. His vocabulary has increased ten fold. He moved into his big boy room. He became a cousin to three new cousins. He is such an amazing little boy who grows bigger and bigger everyday. I thought I'd use some pictures to take a look back at all of Noah's cuteness over the past year!


danajk said...

Fun pictures! Happy Birthday, Noah!!

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful and so delightful that sometimes, like after looking at all those pictures, I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how special he is! Thank You, Lord, for Your little man Noah!

Mimi said...

I forgot to sign my name...definately don't want to be anonymous where Noah is concerned.