Adam and I were laying in bed the other night reminiscing about the night Noah was born. It is funny how two years later how certain things stick out in your head and how other things you felt you would never forget have faded. We talked about how nervous we were. We had waited for this little life and prayed for him. I labored and fought with my body all day to bring him into the world despite the drugs and challenges that made it so hard. I remember the feeling of being empty. And being scared when they rushed him out of the room in an incubator. I remember leaving the hospital without him. I remember the relief of finally bringing him home to our house and the three of us being together.
The past two years have brought unbelievable joy like seeing him take his first steps and speak his first words, like him telling me Jesus loves him the most. It has also brought fear with asthma, almost stitches, daycare crisises and uncertainty. It has brought laughter in the times he makes up his own songs, or laughs so hard at us playing hide and seek. It has brought frustration over how to discipline, how to love him best, how to teach him right from wrong and how to give him the things that I can't.
These two years have stretched me and Adam. They have made us better people and certainly a better couple. So we took the day off to celebrate Noah and all the things he means to us. We took the day to build memories with each other and our families.
It all started with a giant Diego balloon, of course. 
Followed by cupcakes with his preschool class. 
Then lunch at Mimi's and a trip to the zoo.The weather was perfect. The animals were active and the zebra and giraffe came right up to us to wish Noah a Happy Birthday. He particularly liked the Hippo, Ostrich, and Baby Zebra and its Mommy (I'm pretty sure they were all the same age but..) He mentioned them in his prayers tonight. It was a beautiful day for a two year old at the zoo! My mom reminded me that they took me to the zoo for my 2nd birthday as well! 

A trip to the zoo isn't complete without a train ride.

Or a visit to the Children's Zoo Playground. 

Where kids of all ages can have fun.

After the zoo there were presents and quick nap.
Then PIZZA with Nana, Puddin', Papa, Mimi, Emy and Xander. 

Then more presents and cupcakes. 
Then back to T-town where we all fell into bed fully celebrated and happy. And as I was falling asleep saying my own prayers of thanksgiving, I thanked God for it all. The joy and laughter and the fear and frustration. For the happiness and pain that being a mother is. As someone I love dearly told me... "I wouldn't be me without you." It is true of so many people who touch my life but today it is especially true of Noah! Happy Birthday Baby! I wouldn't trade one moment of the two years of your sweet life!

What a fun day! Happy Birthday Noah!
It was such a fun day! I can't imagine life without our little man...all the joy and laughter he brings to the whole family! i thank God for Noah...ane then I thank Carrie and
Adam for being such amazing parents. Thanks for sharing!
Uh oh, so does 2 mean he can't wear his "sweet" clothes anymore??
P.S> i responded to your response on my blog.
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