Today I am thankful for God's grace and mercy. I am thankful that He knew me before I was even formed in my mother's womb and that He loved me enough even then, even knowing my mistakes, misdeeds and thoughts to send Jesus to die for me and grant me life everlasting. I am grateful that He gives freely to me even though I do not deserve it and even though I do not do anything to earn it. I am grateful that the one who truly knows my heart rejoices over me with gladness. That in me he sees thepotential for good, gentleness, kindness, patience,faithfulness, self control, joy, peace, and love mixed with greed, jealousy, envy, untruth, ugliness, selfishness and loves me still. And that He daily gives me lessons on how to increase those
fruits and to practice them. He gives me
opportunities to see my weaknesses and daily choose to follow His lead in overcoming them. I am grateful that He does not see me or any of my struggles as a lost cause nor does He leave me to fight them alone.
I am also thankful for Joy. Some very special women and I did a study together in a very tough year for us. Through that study a little mantra developed. Choose Joy. It can be a hard concept to wrap your head around and one that I need to remind
myself of from time to time. Choose Joy instead of tiredness, instead of jealousy, instead of impatience, instead of
sarcasm. As I turn toward Christmas in my preparations, decorations and thoughts I often think of Joy and the present Christ brought us when He was born man. He brought hope, peace, salvation and he brought Joy. So in
anticipation of Christmas this year I want to reflect on the Joy of Christ and how He shows it to me daily through life even if sometimes I have to choose it.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgivings!! We
certainly did, we still have more to come on Saturday. Pictures to come soon!

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