First I weighed in at an unmentionable large number. I will start exercising(again) as soon as I kick this. For real this time.
Then the nurse said her sister was my sub today. Hope they were good.
Then I had a chest X-ray. Really I did. Then a swab for flu testing.
And finally the doctor said you don't have the flu but you do have a "really really nasty sinus infection and a lot of bad fluid build up in your ears".
They gave me a shot in the butt. And three prescriptions.
I was feeling really weak that a sinus infection could take me down and out like this but my dad assured me that sinus infections can be very serious and can lead to hospitalization. So I felt a little better. I decided to take one more day of rest. To let the meds kick in and my head stop ringing. Thank you for all the well wishes. I am happy to not be spreading the flu around!

yuck! Sorry your sick! I know sinus infections can take you down! I have experienced that! Praying you feel better quickly!
Hope you start feeling better soon!!!
When I have a sinus infection I always feel like I have the flu! Once my jaw and teeth were hurting so bad I went to the dentist. I told him if he couldn't fix my tooth or the pain to just shoot me I could not take the pain anymore. Of course I had to wait till the next day to get to the medical doctor because it wasn't my teeth!
Thankful for no flu, take ALL your meds.
Love, MIL
Oh friend, I am so sad for you!! Get well soon!!
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