I am a selfish creature by nature. The past several posts have been about me. I don't pretend this blog is all about Noah. It isn't really. It's about me and my struggle to honor God with my life. Thus I record triumphs and defeats of being a wife, mother, and teacher. But I realize that most people (at least four out of the six people who read it) log on to see and hear about Noah. So for them (and by them I mean Mimi, Nana, Papa and Puddin) here is a little update on our favorite 22 1/2 boy (without pictures because our camera is still not cooperating).
Noah]s language development is growing in leaps and bounds everyday. He is always picking up new words. Like, "bread (great minds think alike), rim, outside, home, Charlie, puppy, read, play. Of course his favorite words are still eat, cheese, and juice.
One new word that Adam and I got super excited about was "Yes". Finally after months of No, no, NO, no we now have Yes. It is fun to get real answers. We have an adorable video we will post later.
Noah continues to love Diego. And he will sit still to watch a full episode. In fact that is how I get time to cook dinner.
Noah's has a new obbsession that has developed from an old habit. Noah often carries Spots arpund with him. Then it was Bus. Well now it is Spots, Bus, Diego, Puppy,Phone and anything else he sees on the way out the door. He wants to take this armful of stuff everywhere we go.
He continues to be a joy and delight to me and to Adam. His personality his developing and he moving from a baby to a little person full of endearing little quirks.

I always enjoy your posts - whatever they are about. And even when the post is not focused on Noah, you still mention him. But I am sure the grandparents are way more interested in pictures, right?? I love the trying to carry everything phase. Jessa and Spencer were like refugees fleeing their homeland!
Agree! But Noah is more fun. I can't wait to hear yes!!
Love, MIL (alias Nana)
Thanks for the update Carrie. Of course we love to hear about all things Noah......but Dad and I are still just as eager to hear about our Carrie! You know how much you love to get insights into what Noah is thinking and watching him make his way in his little world? That never goes away! We love your posts because of that!
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