Tomorrow night is my ten year reunion. Look at what a baby I was ten years ago. Can you even find my skinny eighteen year old self in the photo?
In the past ten years I ...
earned two degrees
fallen in love
traveled to Europe twice
married the man of my dreams
pledged a sorority
moved several times
bought a house
lost two grandparents
gained a sister in law 2 brothers in law and a nephew
struggled with depression
began a career
bought a puppy
made amazing friends
gave birth to a son
had a car accident
worked at kamp
learned to lean on God
learned to support others
gained a billion pounds!
grown up a little
became "momma"
stood as a bridesmaid
changed my hair color
written a thesis
started a blog
and gained a little self confidence.
When I looked back at this picture and thought about the years that followed it I thought about my life and the decisions that led me here. I have very few regrets. I think that the skinny girl in the picture would be happy with my life. I am blessed by an amazing family, a husband who loves me in a selfless way, a healthy and pretty adorable son and a job in a Field I dreamed of being in. I don't think I could have scripted it better. I do have a little bit of advice for the skinny girl...
that metabolism won't last forever
don't eat so many donut sticks while studying
run a little more often
the "one" was worth the wait
be slower to speak and quicker to listen
let things roll off your back
pray without ceasing
be more thankful
spread more sunshine
don't take mom's wisdom for granted
Looking forward to a great night of reminiscing.
What a great post! I have some advice for my 18-year old self I wish I could give, too. Have fun at your reunion!
Carrie, I love this post! I think maybe you missed your calling as a writer!
I know Laura always says that we could be great friends, and we have one more way to prove it - our blogs! We have the same template only yours is way cuter with the little extras. ;) Hope y'all are doing well! Love reading your posts as always!
I think you should also tell your 18-year-old self not to throw markers out of the window in a fit of panic... they do have to be picked up. :)
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