Thursday is trash day and Adam, being the great dad that he is usually listens out for it so that Noah can see the garbage truck. This Thursday morning Adam was rushing around getting Noah's lunch made and backpack ready, and measuring out a cup of Noah's favorite cereal for their Friendship mix activity, and feeding him breakfast, (things that I should do if I woke up with enough time to do more than just shower and barely dry my hair) and getting himself ready for work. Adam finally hears the garbage truck on our street and so that Noah wouldn't miss it he rolls Noah outside through the garage in his high chair, down the driveway to the curb. So the garbage men roll by and there is an almost two year old in his high chair eating bananas and cheerios yelling out "gruck, truck, f--k" pointing and laughing. Adam said they were great sports. They waved and honked the horn a couple of times. Noah was delighted to see the "gruck" up close. And I was delight yet again at what a great father I married.
Well, we had gone out earlier to take out the trash, but the truck bypassed our street, so we had to go back inside and eat. He was disappointed he didn't see the truck. A few minutes into breakfast I hear it, and, in that split second, I think it would be quicker to wheel the boy on out than it would to take off the plate, fend Charlie away from the food, remove the tray and pick Noah up. So, away he went in his travelling high chair.
Cute Adam!! Mom
boston0815Saves trash bags too by having curbside service.
This might be my FAVORITE Adam story to date!!! Adam - you are a GREAT DAD! If it was possible to love and enjoy you even more - this story would do it.
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