Friday, August 28, 2009

The Find

This has been another crazy week at our house. Adam and I have been crazy at work. I am struggling to get ready for Progress Reports and the First Football Game(!!!!!) and Adam has been traveling a lot. We are also getting ready to go to Memphis for a wedding this weekend. So last night I had some errands to run, no dinner plan, a boy who only wanted to be with "B", a muddy dog who needed a bath, no clean clothes, you get the picture. So Adam stayed home to wash the dog and do laundry and I took little man to Chick-Fil-A and Target.

If you go to Chick-Fil-A you have to play on the indoor playground. It's a rule. So we did. But it was getting dangerously close to bedtime and the Point of No Return and I still had Target to conquer.

I did what many mothers before me have done in similar dire circumstances....
I bribed the boy to leave the playground.

It went something like this:
I told him we were going to Target. He asked if Mimi was going to be there. ("Mimi?") I said no she's at home with Papa. He immediately started crying. "gruck, gruck,gruck." (I guess to a 21 month old if your Mimi takes you to Target twice in your life and both of those times you get a truck, then Mimi is always at Target and you always get a truck.) So I said I would buy him a truck at Target. I'm not proud of the bribery. But he was melting down on the playground.

So we are in Target on the truck aisle and lo and behold:


Yes that would be the Tonka Wheel Pals Minis Pack with the Bus. That I have searched North America for, for months now. Right there on the shelf. Non- chalant like. Noah almost combusted right there!!! I would have bought every pack in the store. But there was just one. Noah was literally shaking from excitement. "Out. Out. OUT" He wanted it out of the package. I explained we had to but it first. And was surprised he didn't ask again ten seconds later. And thirty minutes later when we were checking out he slammed Bus and Friends down on the conveyor belt. "Bus!" As soon as we walked away from the register, "Bus Out!" When I handed bus he laughed and laughed. I think he almost cried. ( I did.) He was so full of joy. I don't think he has let it go since. It was the best find ever! And a bright spot in a long busy week!


Laura said...

HOORRAAYYYY!! SO glad BUS found both of you again!

Wee Swap said...

If you only knew how many times I bribed John Henry to do what I wanted him to!

Glad you found bus!

Kerri said...

Wait - I thought Mimi found Bus under the couch?

Mimi said...

I also thought Mimi found bus under the couch last month! I will never forget ( I HOPE I never get so forgetful)the moment of great joy for Noah, Mommy and Mimi. Did bus load up and drive off under somewhere again?
Another GREAT post, Carrie. I laughed and laughed, even as I wondered if I have spoiled my beloved grandson in only 2 trips to Target! Wish I could have been there this time.

Carrie said...

The bus did get lost again. We have moved things and looked everywhere. I was so glad to find this one at the store! He's not spoiled by you yet... he just like routine ;)

Emy said...

haha... mimi and mama apparently live in target. but that's awesome... i'm glad you found bus! =)